Lower back pain affects up to 80% of all people at just one occasion or another. Although its origin varies, changes within the body part, or lower back, structure because of contractile organ injury square measure are thought of to be the most common cause. Knee-to-chest The knee-to-chest stretch will facilitate lengthening your lower back, relieving tension and pain. Instructions: Start by lying on your back. Gently pull one knee towards your chest, make use of your hands to carry your leg within the stretch. Hold ten seconds. You ought to feel a stretch in your low back and hip. Switch legs and pull your other knee towards your chest, once more holding ten seconds. Repeat 3-5 times with both of your legs. Bring each leg to your chest, holding ten seconds and perform repetitive 3-5 times. Trunk rotation The trunk rotation stretch will facilitate relieve tension in your lower back. It conjointly works your core muscles, together with your abdominals, back muscles, and also the muscles around your pelvis. Instruction: Start by lying on the back along with both knees bent and stick feet flat on the floor Keep knees together, bring them to one side Hold for 3-5 seconds Contract abdominal muscles while moving legs to the alternative side, again hold for 3-5 seconds Repeat 5-10 times on both sides of the body Seated lower back rotational stretches The seated lower back rotation stretch helps relieve pain, works on the core muscles and strengthens the lower back. Instructions: Sit on a stool or chair excluding arms, keeping the feet flat on the ground. Twist at the core to the right side, keeping the hips square and also the spine tall. Position both the hands behind the head else place the left hand on the right knee to support the stretch. Hold the position for ten seconds. Repeat the exercise on the left-hand side. Repeat on each side three to five times twice a day. Cat stretch The cat stretch will help lengthen the back, making it stronger, and release tension within the muscles. Instructions: Get onto the hands and knees with the knees butt-width apart. Arch your back, pulling the belly button up toward the spine. Relax the muscles slowly and permit the abdomen to sag toward the ground. Then return to the starting position and repeat 3-5 times. Supporting bridge Use a foam roller or soft cushion when you are doing a supported bridge. It helps in decompressing your lower back by supported elevation. Instructions: Sit on the ground and bend the knees, putting the feet straight on the floor butt-width apart. Press the feet into the floor, keeping the arms by the edges. Raise the buttocks off the ground till the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Squeeze the buttocks while the shoulders remain on the floor. Lower the buttocks to the floor and rest for a couple of seconds. Repeat 15 times then rest for one minute. Do three sets of fifteen repetitions. Source: 1) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323204#knee-to-chest-stretches 2) https://www.spineuniverse.com/wellness/exercise/yoga-poses-back-pain
Lower back pain affects up to 80% of all people at just one occasion or another. Although its origin varies, changes within the body part, or lower back, structure because of contractile organ injury square measure are thought of to be the most common cause.

1. Knee-to-chest

The knee-to-chest stretch will facilitate lengthening your lower back, relieving tension and pain.


  1. Start by lying on your back.
  2. Gently pull one knee towards your chest, make use of your hands to carry your leg within the stretch.
  3. Hold ten seconds.  You ought to feel a stretch in your low back and hip.
  4. Switch legs and pull your other knee towards your chest, once more holding ten seconds.
  5. Repeat 3-5 times with both of your legs.
  6. Bring each leg to your chest, holding 10 seconds and perform repetitive 3-5 times.

2. Trunk rotation

The trunk rotation stretch will facilitate relieve tension in your lower back. It conjointly works your core muscles, together with your abdominals, back muscles, and also the muscles around your pelvis.


  1. Start by lying on the back along with both knees bent and stick feet flat on the floor
  2. Keep knees together, bring them to one side
  3. Hold for 3-5 seconds
  4. Contract abdominal muscles while moving legs to the alternative side, again hold for 3-5 seconds
  5. Repeat 5-10 times on both sides of the body

3. Seated lower back rotational stretches

The seated lower back rotation stretch helps relieve pain, works on the core muscles and strengthens the lower back.


  1. Sit on a stool or chair excluding arms, keeping the feet flat on the ground.
  2. Twist at the core to the right side, keeping the hips square and also the spine tall.
  3. Position both the hands behind the head else place the left hand on the right knee to support the stretch.
  4. Hold the position for ten seconds.
  5. Repeat the exercise on the left-hand side.
  6. Repeat on each side three to five times twice a day.

4. Cat stretch

The cat stretch will help lengthen the back, making it stronger, and release tension within the muscles.


  1. Get onto the hands and knees with the knees butt-width apart.
  2. Arch your back, pulling the belly button up toward the spine.
  3. Relax the muscles slowly and permit the abdomen to sag toward the ground. 
  4. Then return to the starting position and repeat 3-5 times.

5. Supporting bridge

Use a foam roller or soft cushion when you are doing a supported bridge. It helps in decompressing your lower back by supported elevation.


  1. Sit on the ground and bend the knees, putting the feet straight on the floor butt-width apart.
  2. Press the feet into the floor, keeping the arms by the edges.
  3. Raise the buttocks off the ground till the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees.
  4. Squeeze the buttocks while the shoulders remain on the floor.
  5. Lower the buttocks to the floor and rest for a couple of seconds.
  6. Repeat 15 times then rest for one minute.
  7. Do three sets of fifteen repetitions.


1) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323204#knee-to-chest-stretches

2) https://www.spineuniverse.com/wellness/exercise/yoga-poses-back-pain

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